saicho wrote his own ideas about buddhism in " sangegakushoshiki ," in which he emphasized that he wanted to have those who took vows on mt . hiei spend 12 years in rozan training on the mountain , and after finishing take over the guidance of junior monks on mt . hiei if appropriate , or go out and work as buddhist leaders all over japan . 最澄は自らの仏教理念を示した『山家学生式』(さんげがくしょうしき)の中で、比叡山で得度(出家)した者は12年間山を下りずに籠山修行に専念させ、修行の終わった者はその適性に応じて、比叡山で後進の指導に当たらせ、あるいは日本各地で仏教界のリーダーとして活動させたいと主張した。